Tarara Circular mod. PTC

Tarara Circular mod. PTC

The circular aspirator is used in pre-cleaning to separate from the cereal, the low specific weight impurities such as straws, empty grains, lightweight seeds and dust.
The cereal dirt is distributed inside the machine and invested in countercurrent by an air mass that provides to remove impurities read admixed with the cereal.
The structure is composed of two sheets truncated cone-shaped steel inside which is positioned a diffuser cone mounted on ball bearings, which due to its rotation ensures a perfect cleaning of the cereal.
The input and the output of the material are positioned in a longitudinal to the same pre-cleaner.
On the side of the bell are positioned instead the suction intake and an inspection hatch.

Technical Features:

PTC 500504,01200200200
PTC 10001007,51500250250

Capacity refers to clean corn and humidity of 16%.
Technical data not binding.